If you purchase mortgage protection insurance that pays off your loan in the event of your death, your insurance company can send a check directly to your lender for the current payoff amount on your mortgage. In turn, your grieving family won’t have to deal with a home that has a mortgage attached or the concern of how to continue to pay the mortgage. In the event your insurance covers disability or job loss, they may not cover your entire mortgage payment. Instead, they will most likely cover a certain amount that’s specified in your contract.
Mortgage protection insurance protects you and your family as a borrower with your best interests in mind.
Benefits of Mortgage Protection Insurance
This kind of protection usually has very high acceptance rates compared to some life insurance policies. If you think you may have trouble getting life insurance because of your age or any pre-existing medical condition, then applying for mortgage protection insurance is your next best option to protect your family’s standard of living due to injury, job loss, or the unexpected passing of your life.
Peace of mind is what best describes this type of insurance. With the right mortgage protection insurance, you don’t have to stress and you’ll know that your payments will be made.